Monday, January 23, 2012

Homemade Magic Diaper Ointment

As Pediatricians, we often prescribe combination diaper ointments for patients who don't respond to usual diaper ointment remedies.   Sometimes, the rash has gotten superinfected with yeast (and needs specific anti-yeast/anti-fungal treatment) or has become superinfected with bacteria (and needs antibiotic ointment or, rarely, oral antibiotic medication).

For years, I have told parents that they can concoct a homemade mixture that works on most diaper rashes.  I sometimes hand out urine collection cups for parents to keep their homemade diaper ointment in, to make it easier when applying it to their tots.  Here is the formula:
Mix equal parts of:
Zinc oxide diaper ointment (I like Balmex)
Antibiotic ointment (such as Neosporin, Bacitracin, or triple antibiotic ointment)
Hydrocortisone cream 1 % ( with or without Aloe)
OTC Miconazole cream - typically you can find 2% in the womens' section sold as Monistat

If you are treating a diaper rash religiously and it is getting worse, call your pediatrician's office to make an appointment - a yeast or bacterial infection may be the culprit.

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